söndag 9 augusti 2015


Got back to work three weeks ago after two short weeks of vacation & have since been too tired to do anything, almost. But here's the past few weeks through mine or my friends phones.
Went on a day trip to Österlen with my mother & my two cousins. Driving an hour or so away from home & finding amazing places really proves that you don't always have to travel far to discover something beautiful & new.
Went to an old fabric to see a musical produced by the local theatre group.
Last friday before work I went to Helsingör in Denmark with my mother, my grandmother & my uncle. I actually bought two bouquets of these lovely peonies.
Quite spontaneously went to see Paper Towns with an old class mate. After the movie I had received a text from another friend whom we met up & had a drink with before heading home for the night.
And finally, last night I met up with an colleague I've become friends with for ice cream in the harbour followed by a late dinner at the newly opened tapas restaurant Pinchos.

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