fredag 2 januari 2015


I don’t think that a New Year is a new beginning and I don’t usually have any New Year’s resolutions, as mentioned I find it all overrated. But these are things I’ve decided to do anyway so why not call them New Year’s resolutions?
Work harder
I want to go back to school and start studying again in the fall and I know that it won’t be easy, not o the way there and not while I’m, hopefully, there.  I know that I need to do my absolute best to stand out and manage to later on get a job within the area I’m going to study.

No more cake
I haven’t been eating candy and crisps and not been drinking soda for over six years and I guess this is the next step. No cakes, cookies or other desserts. None. This is going to be a real challenge since my mother loves to bake.

Don’t be so hard on myself
I’m never pleased with anything I do, I always find flaws in everything I do and in myself and I’m well aware that I need to stop being so goddamn hard on myself. Sometimes I actually am enough and some of the things I do are actually really great.

No more impulse buys
Mainly when it comes to clothes. I haven’t been shopping that much since in June and the shopping pause has given me some perspective. It’s not the quantity but the quality that is the important thing and I guess I’ve already started this resolution by planning my shopping and go for quality garments and even though they are quite expensive they’re worth it.

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